Our Group

Our group consists of four individuals: Ryan Howard, Max Levene, Georgina 'Didi' Finlay and Gabriella Kingsley. (The blog links are located on the right). We all developed the short story which we then called 'Smile', and then wrote a script. You can view all of our pre-production, production and post-production once they have been edited into our blogs.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Audience Research

Our film, Smile, falls under the genre of romantic/teen comedy. Because of this it would therefore appeal to the age groups of 14-21, however I also feel that peopler older than that range would also enjoy our sort of film, because they could then imagine themselves in those situations, as they would know the feeling that the main character is feeling. Rom-coms generally appeal to the female gender, but males also tend to have a little soft side and enjoy watching them. We did a test in our class, with 90% of the students saying they regularly watch films of this genre.

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