Our Group

Our group consists of four individuals: Ryan Howard, Max Levene, Georgina 'Didi' Finlay and Gabriella Kingsley. (The blog links are located on the right). We all developed the short story which we then called 'Smile', and then wrote a script. You can view all of our pre-production, production and post-production once they have been edited into our blogs.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Script - First Attempt

This is our first script. There are going to be many changes to it before we are happy with it and able to start the production.
To make our script, and to make it look professional, we used a piece of software called Celtx. Using this, helps us make a script which is so simple to follow and understand, and the software automatically put each piece of text into a different section (i.e. dialogue and character)

1. Ext.
Charlie is riding his bike in to college. Music in background. Cross cut to shots of Max Sitting in Starbucks waiting for Charlie to arrive.

2A. Int.
Max is sitting down in Starbucks next to the window. Charlie arrives and sits down.

About time
Sorry, was up late last night doing work, I'm shattered.
Did you see the new eppisode of Dr. Who last night?
No i didnt i missed it, i told you i had too much work! What happened?
It was amazing, Dr Who became friends with the evil guy but he didn't know he was evil, but the audience knew. So I was literally sitting there screaming at the television you don't understand I was getting so in to it! And then at the break, there was an advert for a Dr Who Live Show, I've already told my mum and she's booking us both tickets.

Max starts to describe lasts nights episode of Dr.Who, his voice starts to fade out and become a mumble as Charlie begins to stare at Gabriella and zone out.

2B. Ext.
Charlie Imagines himself getting up, marching outside, throwing his glasses, ripping open his shirt then grabbing Gabriella, dipping her and leaning in for a kiss. (Music "Just the two of us")


2A. Int.
Shot cuts to Charlie sitting back at the table in Starbucks with Max. Max slaps charlie.

Charlie wake up, your never gonna get a girl like that.
Sorry sorry I am listening! I need to go outside tho and get some fresh air.

Charlie and Max walk outside Starbucks and sit on the ledge.

3. Ext.
Max and Charlie begin to over hear Gabriella and Sophie's conversation. Charlie shakes Max to get his attention.

Oi! Listen!


I cant believe me and Brad broke up, hes such a prick.
You know you can do so much better Gab so why do you care so much.
I just wish i could meet my dream boy already.
And that is?
I dunno, a boy that's fit obviously, good body, always smartly dressed...and...urm... with a cool hat of course!

Sophie Giggles and Gabriella laugh sarcastically.


They look over and can see that Charlie and Max and listening in.

...and he has to come up to me and go "Alright sexy?" I then would want him to smile, wink, and say a really cheesy chat up line!

Sophie and Gabriella are still laughing.


Charlie and Max together

Did you hear all of that?
Ye, so? What's your point?
That if I change myself, I can make myself her ideal boy. See! I told you I do have a chance!


4. Int./Ext. - Montage
Charlie and Max in Max's room, looking for different clothes and hats to wear. He tries them on and keeps checking himself out in the mirror. He also tries different smiles to use, and practices his wink. They both practice chat-up lines whilst getting changed.

Ok, so let's practice some chat up lines. What you got?
I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away
or Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!

Do you work for Royal Mail? No? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package.
You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy

Charlie looks into the mirror, turns to Max, and presents himself to him.

What about this?
Ye that should definitely work!

Fade to black

5. Ext.
Charlie walking down the street, dressed very nicely, looking very smug. He approaches Gabriella.

Alright sexy. Nice to meet you, I'm (your name) and you are...gorgeous!


If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd but U and I together...

Gabriella laughs, slaps Charlie and walks away.

Fade to black

6. Ext.

Next day Charlie comes back, back in his normal clothes. Gabriella spots Charlie and realizes how hard he tried to impress her. Charlie looks up at her. Gabriella smiles at Charlie and scene fades out.

Fade to black

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