Our Group

Our group consists of four individuals: Ryan Howard, Max Levene, Georgina 'Didi' Finlay and Gabriella Kingsley. (The blog links are located on the right). We all developed the short story which we then called 'Smile', and then wrote a script. You can view all of our pre-production, production and post-production once they have been edited into our blogs.

Friday 22 October 2010


1 - Ext. - Cycling to college
Sound FX of bicycle
Whistling "Lucky - Kylie Minogue"
Pink bicycle

2A - Int. - Classroom
Classroom Sounds
Pencil Case, Text Books

2B - Ext. - Outside classroom
Romantic music
Blackberry (Gabriella)
Starbucks Coffee (Gabriella/Sophie)

2A - Int. - Classroom

3 - Int. - Outside classrom
Common Room Sounds
Pen, paper
Half eaten muffin

4 - Ext.- Sitting in courtyard eating lunch
Tuppa Wear Lunch Box
Picnic Chocolate Bar
Carrot Sticks

5 - Int./Ext. - Montage
Music - Shaheen (Mircales/Hip Teens) or UnkleJam
Clothes , hats , shirts etc

6A - Ext. - Round the corner from school
New look props e.g Rocky
Blackberry, Watch
P. Diddy - Bad Boys

6B - Ext. - Outside classroom
Blackberry, watch, sunglasses

8 - Ext. - Charlie is inside class, Gabriella is outside
Text Books
Lunch box , Pencil Case

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