Our Group

Our group consists of four individuals: Ryan Howard, Max Levene, Georgina 'Didi' Finlay and Gabriella Kingsley. (The blog links are located on the right). We all developed the short story which we then called 'Smile', and then wrote a script. You can view all of our pre-production, production and post-production once they have been edited into our blogs.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Short Films That Go Into Consideration

Dealer - Part 2
For my AS media coursework, me and my fellow work partner Max created an opening title for our film 'Dealer'. As this piece of work received such good feedback, and got us A grades, we were thinking of doing a follow on, showing why the ace card was there. If we do this, at the beginning we will re-use some of last years footage with a title 'previously...' at the bottom.

One line - Gambling teenager knows people are out to kill him, seeing as he owes them money

- Ryan
- Max
- Dami
- Didi
- Aimee Wright
- Craig/Jono as the man from behind

-Starts with a chase scene of Ryan + Dami
- lasts for around 30 seconds
- high tempo music
- quick cuts
- Flashback which goes to Dealer - Part 1. Different bits of last years work which shows
- Ryan walking around, Max waiting, Ryan being given the box, and opening it to reveal the ace card.

- From the ace card being in the box, we have a dissolve which shows the ace of hearts.
-This card is lying on a desk, in a low-lit room, similar to an interrogation scene.
- We see a man from behind, with two girls either side. Max is sitting opposite this man, with a lot of shadow on the face.
- They are talking about how whoever receives the ace of spades, is the next to be killed
- Having this, people will then think that Dami is chasing Ryan so that he will kill him.
- Cuts back to quick cuts of the chase scene
- Ryan gets rugby tackled by Dami - cut straight to black so people think I have been attacked

- A flash back to a point of view shot of u driving your car, how u got a knife with u etc, and then u see me getting tackled right in front of the car, so you actually see that i’m being saved by him and not attacked.
- The audience know that Ryan has been saved

21 (remake)

One line - Gambling teenager gets caught counting cards

A gambling teenager gets taught how to count cards, he then borrows money from a gangster, starts winning massively through counting, gets seen on cctv and a chase begins.

Vincent (remake)

One line - young boy thinks he is a famous singer/actor

- film, not animation
- narrative would be a modern day boy, who has a split personality, thinking he was someone else, completely out of the ordinary e.g. an 11 boy thinking he was Elton John, instead of someone more imaginable e.g. Elvis or Michael Jackson.
what could be good about doing this, would be if we make it a completely modern version, but only using the basic storyline; a boy who is clearly mucked up, and has got "two minds"

This short story was made using stop motion, by Tim Burton. He uses the similar style of this short film, throughout all of his future feature lengths, including; Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd.
It is very gothic, and the use of Vincent Price's voice, (who is well known for having this deep voice, and also featured in the Michael Jackson song 'Thriller', helps create a spooky atmosphere. The story is of a young boy, Vincent, who pretends to be like the actor Vincent Price. He is obsessed with the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, who like Burton, was familiar with the gothic genre, but with poetry. The film ends with Vincent being tortured by the goings-on of his make-believe world, quoting "The Raven" (a poem by Edgar Allen Poe) as he falls to the floor in frailty, believing himself to be dead.

Scary/Suspense Film

One line - girl who is home alone, keeps seeing/thinking different things and people are around her

A girl is home alone, making dinner, and she hears different sounds. She goes to the bathroom and sees writing on the wall (wipes her eyes and its gone), she then goes back down stairs and sees a knife in the lettuce. She looks into a mirror, sees a reflection with a man in a mask next to her, she turns around quickly and nothing is actually there.

Bo-Peep/Alice in Wonderland (remake)

One line - girl gets looser her friends and gets lost in a busy place, meets people a long the way who help solve different problems to help her get back

- modern day version of Bo-peep, how she loses her sheep.
- the main character loses her friends in a modern place such as Oxford St
- is lost and is in a struggles to find them
- more twists and turns occur - similar to how Alice meets different people

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

- modern day version
- story similar to Vincent, how there is a narrator narrating a poem, but this time we could use a song lyric mixed in with the nursery rhyme.
- the story would be how a young boy/teenager, is aspiring to become a famous person (skateboarder/musician) but keeps failing, but he keeps going because he feels he can become that 'star'.
extremely similar to Vincent, with a little boy thinking he is a ‘star’

- modern day remake would be Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The story would be very similar to Vincent, how there is a narrator narrating a poem, but this time we could use a song lyric mixed in with the nursery ryhme. The story would be how a young boy/teenager, is aspiring to become a famous person (skateboarder/musician) but keeps failing, but he keeps going because he feels he can become that 'star'.
One line - young boy keeps trying to make it big, to become a star

1 comment:

  1. The following is what needs to be done to ensure the blog is of an A grade standard:
    1. Directors section, please add some personal insight, what do you like most about the films of these directors? Try to establish why you have a connection to these films.
    2. Film styles section should have either images or clips for each example.
    Please find me if you need help with anything.
